Friday, February 9, 2007

Why are so many people fighting for Anna Nicole's Baby?

Anna Nicole Smith is not cold on the slab and already the creeps are crawling out of the woodwork to claim her child as a prize. Moreover, a judge has order her body preserved so the courts can test her DNA in a highly contested paternity case.
Yet no one is asking why these ‘men’, and I use the term loosely, want this child. I believe they do not want Anna Nicole’s baby for the betterment of the child but to have a slice of the potential future earnings from what will now be Anna Nicole’s estate. As horrible as it sounds this is the way people are motivated, they see little Daniela as a potential cash cow that they can cipher money from like a bunch of repulsive pimps.
I predict a lonesome solitary future for this young woman. She will be unable to get out from under the long shadow of her mother’s obsession with the limelight and will be lucky to make it as far as her mother did. God watch over this child---because no one else will.

Anna Nicole Smith's Death Media Slight Of Hand!

The greatest magicians in the world are not doing shows with tigers on the Vegas strip. No, they are on our televisions beaming into our living rooms via CNN, Foxnews, and MSNBC. And, their greatest trick in recent memory is turning the death of a drug addicted marginal celebrity into a story worthy of 24 hour news coverage so that the Bush White House may prepare for the invasion of Iran in a relative media blackout.
If not for the internet granting us the ability to look at news sources from outside the mainstream corporate media the entire nation would be forced to open up and accept the shovel fulls of shit from talking heads who can no longer be described as journalists but rather propagandist. If not for news sources like the BBC and other far less noticeable sources, we the people would not be able to sift through the shill created by Time-Warner, Fox, and General Electric.
These consolidators of thought, are using the death of Anna Nicole Smith as a gambit to keep the ‘average’ American’s attention away from the failure of Iraq and the impending war with Iran. Ignorance is not bliss--- it is ignorance! American’s need to wake up and see the writing on the wall, your free press has been all but usurped from mainstream sources and most of the net is little more than a boondoggle of wild conspiracy theories and claptrap sponsored by the paranoid and the outright insane.
The New World Order is not being developed in secret! It is being developed in public forums, by marketers and research analysts. While many look for secret conspiracy groups such as the Illuminati and the Masons, the real thieves of our freedom, the multinationals, suck the life from America and doom us to a second tier existence.
Politicians are corrupt, corporate journalists are bought off, and the courts are packed with half-wits with little or no objectivity for the rule of law. Bush is not part of a secret cabal; he is a paid lobbyist for corporate interests, nothing more. He takes your freedoms not for a grand scheme of an anti-Christ, but for the corporate elite. And their only desire, to enslave us in a perpetual lifestyle of consumption and debt.
To break the cycle one only needs to open his or her eyes and stop pissing away money on things that DO NOT MATTER! Move away from the big city. Reject the Mcmansion, the five credit cards, and the big promotion. Start a business, trade on the net, develop a product, be a capitalist! Learn a skill that is in demand and exploit it. Stop wasting your time trying to make it into the world of the big shots and watch how quickly they dissolve.
Capitalism is not evil. Corporatistism, collectivism, fascism, and communism are the truth threats to freedom and liberty! Win by earning money outside of the corporate sweatshops. The world needs another lawyer like it needs another pop sing sensation! However, we need plumbers, nurses, and engineers. We need thinkers and problem solvers. We do not need more leeches looking to exploit the economy for a few shares of some overinflated mega-corporation.
If the corporate world did not manipulate and pervert capitalism the problems of the environment, health care, housing, and hunger would have been solved decades ago. Eisenhower warned us not to feed the true ‘beast’ the military industrial complex. Machines of war driving back our progress as a species so a few assholes can stay in power.
By rejecting the inherent evil of corporate slavery, fascism, and socialism, we the people can build a world that can travel to the stars, end hunger, war, and ignorance. It is time to evolve!

Newsflash! Britney To Wear Panties!

I just thought everyone could use a little humor this morning! Plus, I really am sick of hearing about Britney, Paris, and Lindsey. Now, Anna Nicole there was a woman! She was not the brightest bulb (which is a definite turn off) but she was not a freaking waif that looked like she should be turning tricks to support her heroine habit.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

New EU Environmental Laws Infringe On National Sovereignty.

This is a prediction of sorts more of a dire warning, really. A forecast of the police state to come. Plus, I just thought it was decent writing.

Yesterday, the European Union announced plans to toughen penalties for violators of so called ‘green laws’---including stiffer penalties for ‘international’ violators. Citing a lack of uniformity in national laws, the EU commission stated, “fines for international violators could be as high as 750,000 Eu and 10 years in prison per offense.”
In a move hailed by Greenpeace and other radical environmental groups, the EU member nations voted to move a significant amount of prosecutorial power to the EU commission, essentially rousting the sovereignty of partner nations and taking the world one-step closer to the New World Order, the one world government model envisioned by the power elite.
This raises the question, is climate change being used as a means to control the populace? To justify destroying personal liberty and handing over yet more personal freedoms to regional governing bodies like the EU.
In examining the possibility, startling new questions are raised and even more startling are the possible conclusions to these scenarios as they play out right before our eyes. Humanity is entering a dangerous era. For the first time in the history of civilization, the powers that be have the ability to monitor almost every aspect of our existence. With each step down this slippery slope we move closer to an Orwellian future were are children are little more than low wage, techno slaves serving a very elite few while living a miserable existence brought on by our own hubris.
It is up to our generation, generation X, now generation X-communicated, to cast of the chains off our surveillance state, demand answers, and retake personal liberty. We know from the failed Soviet state and the dismal anti-utopia of North Korea that collectivism is not only a bad model of government but inherently evil. It, like the proto-fascist state the US is slowly slipping toward, is a fallacy, and we must arrest its development before cyclone wire and bars seal our children’s fates.
The future rests with us, those in the here and now, the people, the individual, the real Army of one. Americans and freedom lovers everywhere can win this battle and do so without every firing a shot.
We win by not giving in, by protesting oppression and tyranny in all its forms, by raising our fists against the despotism of shrewd dictators. To protect our freedom and the sovereignty of our lands, we must be willing to fight, not with guns and bombs but with words and thought.
Remember, as long as they cannot control your thoughts, you are free! In the mind, even the subjugated enjoy liberty. Freedom is!

[c]Jack Tatum

Anna Nicole Smith's Death Will Spawn Conspiracy Theories!

It is tragic that Anna Nicole Smith has passed away so young leaving behind an infant child and a grieving husband. Already, the media is drawing parallels between Anna and Marilyn Monroe but before this celebrity obsessed nation waxes nostalgic for a new idol to exalt on the altar of dead celebs let’s not forget, this was not Norma Jean.
I will guarantee before the day is out a small, conspiratorially obsessed, section of the blogosphere will call Ms. Smith’s death a homicide. I am not predicting this I am putting a grade A stamp of certainty on it!
I am certain either the some family member of the old geezer she was married to or the photographer baby's daddy guy will likely be in the cross hairs of tabloid junkies and conspiracy nuts from every corner of sensationalist street!
Why? Because some people just can’t make it through any celebrity death or media tragedy without attaching some wild eyed conspiracy theory to it. So, get ready, this will be the hottest tabloid fodder since the ghost of lady Diane spoke to Madonna in motel room after she had sex with an elderly Elvis.

Anna Nicole Smith---Likely Cardiomyopahty

Anne Nicole is dead! Too bad, she was a nice looking woman. A bit of an imbecile but she was nice to look at. I have predicted a string of Celebrity Deaths on this blog---thankfully, Anna Nicole Smith was not one of the actresses I listed.
In the days and weeks that this woman’s life will be scrutinized by the tabloid press I am certain there will be speculation as to the cause of death.
However, I got this one, here and now, she had a fever correct, a baby in September of last year, so here goes---viral cardiomyopathy exacerbated by narcotics, alcohol, and those lousy weight loss supplements. Bet you a dollar to a donut I am right. Stay tuned, non believers!
May she find in death the peace she never had in life.

Dixie Chicks Will Win Grammy!

Here is a prediction that warms the cackles of my cynical heart. I predict the Dixie Chicks will win the Grammy for best song of the year for their song ‘I’m not ready to play nice.’ Now, I am not a big Dixie Chicks fan, accept for Natalie Manies, I think she’s hot. What I am though is a big fan of free speech. The fact that they had the courage to criticize Shrub at the height of his popularity shows a tremendous amount of guts.
What the American public did to these women in the months that followed Manies’s statement is a public chronicle of the rise of neo-fascism in America. What Maines said was no harsher a criticism than what was being volleyed about the floor of the Congress in the weeks before the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The only difference was the prejudice of country music fans. Jeez, for people who do not want to be portrayed as inbred, redneck, trailer trash, they sure have a funny way of showing it. Let us not forget the public CD burnings and the boycott of the Chicks by radio stations across the country.
See, America espouses the right to free speech as long as it does not piss in someone else’s beer but man say something unpopular like ‘you are ashamed of Bush,’ or ‘Gays need to lighten up’ , or ‘Guns are bad,’ or ‘There was no holocaust,’ and see how long it takes before someone descends on you like a vulture and tries to squelch your right to say what you think.
America needs to reexamine its priorities in the coming decade, the first thing we need to ask is, ‘why do the statements of celebrities carry so much weight?’ they are not special. Why does the press drop to its knees every time George Clooney speaks? He’s just an egocentric asshole actor out to grab headlines because ‘Ocean’s Twelve’ was a crappy film. Smug bastard!
Anyhow, free speech good! Dixie Chicks not evil! Thag say it okay listen to their tunes!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Snickers To Become Official Snack Food Of Gay Pride Week!

My prediction for today! *Drumroll* Snickers will be come the official sponsor of every Gay Pride Parade in the nation! Alright! Now, I am going to piss in some peoples Post Toasties so brace yourselves. First off, if you read my blog below you know how bad it pisses me off that more coverage is being given to a stupid commercial than heinous crimes committed against children. So, don’t get me ranting on that shit!
You know, I have had gay friends, when I was a bouncer I had several gay friends, nice guys, I partied with them from time to time and it never threatened my masculinity. But, this is not about homophobia, however that is what certain fringe elements of the gay community would have you believe! I can hear the cry from the parapets of the Castle Gayskull, “snickers the official food of neo-Nazi white supremacists everywhere!”
Oh Christ people lighten up! It was a joke! A tad crude yes---but so are 90% of the jokes on ‘Will and Grace’, but you don’t see me boycotting NBC because Jack and Will made some smarmy joke about ‘hetero-breeders’. If gay people do not want to be the blunt of discrimination then you need to learn to pick your freaking battles and quit getting yourselves in a tizzy every time someone makes an off color comment about your lifestyle.
And by the way, it is not a lifestyle, you are either born gay or you are not. Two gay men can raise a hetero child if the child is inclined to be heterosexual. So, do us all a favor---take a break and eat a Snickers!

Snickers Kiss Trumps News Of Child Ponography Bust!

The FBI is investigating 600 suspects in an online child pornography ring. A vigilant technician at a file hosting service in Austria alerted authorities to suspicious materials and recorded the IP addresses of those downloading from the site. This young man is a hero! This goes without saying, he had the presence of mind to gather evidence against the users. My hat’s off to him.
What this demonstrates is how one person can make a difference in the fight against online child pornography. But, what it also demonstrates is that the fight against child pornography is far from won. And it seems every time a major bust takes down a site another one springs up to replace it.
I don’t understand child molesters (I do not use the term pedophile it is too polite) and I am not going to delve into their psyches here. I am not an armchair psychologist. I am writing this blog entry to bring it to other people’s attention.
All too often, the subject of child pornography is brushed over by the press, a 30 second blurb on CNN or Fox, followed by a 10 minute in depth look at Britney Spears and Kevin Federline’s break up. Americans and people around the world have a duty to be as vigilant as the young man in Austria was. People should donate to organizations such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. However, we also have a duty to admonish the media for its lack of coverage on the subject.
Take for example, today’s news of the Austrian bust, it was brushed over by CNN, but the “snickers kiss” controversy has been covered ad nauseam. Who cares? So, some homosexuals were offended---what does not offend the homosexual community? I am not against gays, I watched Will and Grace with my wife all the time, thought it was great!
However, child pornography is a much bigger issue than a segment of the gay community being angered by some damn commercial.
So, what can we do? Well, I am emailing CNN to tell them how little I care about “the snickers kiss” and how concerned I am as a parent about child pornography. Therefore, I ask everyone that reads this entry today to take the time to email CNN and other news outlets and insist more time be given to this issue. More coverage might not stamp out the scourge of child pornography lurking in cyberspace but it will certainly put more pressure on those who distribute, manufacture, and download this filth.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Punch Drunk Pundit.

I would like to invite my readers to the Punch Drunk Pundit. A more serious take on current events without the satirical spin of psychic bullshit.

Dark Days Ahead as Bush Pushes for War with Iran!

Sometime this afternoon, an Iranian secretary serving in the Iranian Embassy in Iraq was kidnapped by Iraq soldiers believed to be associated with US soldiers. I foresee grave consequences as a result of this action and a worsening of the conflict with Iran. As I have previously stated on this blog, war with Iran is just around the corner and the time could not be worse.
US domestic problems are rising. Immigration is still a huge issue and without the knowledge of most Americans, President Bush is going ahead with trade plans that will, in theory, be the beginnings of the North American Union---say Buenos Dias to the Amero! Ain’t that disturbin’, eh?
So, where do we go from here? The average American, John and Joan Public, schlepping along in our cars, working harder and longer days to make ends meet? This is a cloudy future---cloudy indeed! Many things could turn the direction of the nation: a sudden revolt being the most extreme and the one I fear the most.
I know many out there feel frustrated by the seeming unwillingness of the politicians to think with their heads instead of their pocketbooks but revolution, war, and armed conflict, only feeds into the police state mentality.
War in any form is a last resort. So, what should we do? Write letters? Vote for Obama? These are not resolutions either. Number one, writing to congress person is like pissing in a swimming pool, it feels good but ultimately it does nothing and electing Obama is not a sound idea either. Not because he is black, I don’t give two shits about the color of his skin or the arrangement of his chromosomes XX, XY, neither one matters.
What does matter is his ability to govern, and as of yet he is relatively new in the political game, little more than proverbial noob on the forum of national politics. So, who do we turn to? Either Hilary or Giuliani would be the safest bet in the dark days ahead. Hillary is a sharp individual as shrewd as they come and likely more feared by Bin Laden and Teheran than the entire US Marine Corps and a squadron of Jedi Knights! Why? Because she has no compunction about leveling any anti-Semitic state and this is not necessarily a bad quality given the times we live in. In fact, had Hillary Clinton been in the White House, we would not be in Iraq and Iran’s nuclear facilities would like a tool shed after an F5 tornado.
And Giuliani, well let’s face Rudy, regardless of political affiliation, is one of the coolest politicians to come along in the last 50 years.
Looking into the crystal ball of ‘oh shits!’ and 'did that just happen?’ I am seeing dark day’s folks. Let’s hope we make it to ’08 then perhaps, if everyone does get all moist of Obama, we might make it out of this one alive! Go Rudy! Hail to Hillary! Either one of them, beats the hell out of the current seat warmer.

Sarah Silverman Show Will Be Biggest Hit In '07!

Comedy Central recently aired the first episode of the Sarah Silverman Show. I thought it was freaking hilarious! Not to mention, behind my wife, she is the hottest woman on the planet! She even out ranks Janeana Garofalo, Stockard Channing, Carrie Fisher, and the chick that plays ‘Jordan’ on ‘Scrubs’ on my five list. (If you are wondering what the five list is please reference ‘Friends’. And please relax and watch some TV every once and awhile.)
But, enough about my fantasy of my wife leaving me for a Jamaican masseur named Leroy, then meeting Sarah Silverman in a comedy club where she falls madly in love with me and we run off to the Bahamas and marry. Oh shit! I am rambling.
So, you want a prediction? I predict the Sarah Silverman Show will be a hit for Comedy Central while the naked Trucker and T-bone show will crash faster than a stock car driven by a drunk chimp. (Just a little T-boneque humor.)
Why will Silverman’s show be a hit? Plain and simple, it is fresh, edgy, sure you can argue that it is just a rehash of the mouthy, sassy chick, but Sarah is different, she is a ‘real’ bitch. She actually says rude shit in an unapologetic way. She does not care and she does not fall back on the stereotypical ‘man hater’ laughs.
So, I predict (hope) the show does well and Silverman has a run like Comedy Central’s anchor show ‘South Park’. And if doesn’t Sarah can always crash at my place. (Just kidding! Well…)

Monday, February 5, 2007

Super Bowl Eclipses Countdown to World War III

First off, I got the super bowl prediction right! Amazing, huh? Not really, I just visited a few sports betting sites, most of them had the spread as Colts by two touchdowns so I made a guess. Yea me! But my point was not to be right, it was to show how easy it is to make educated guesses and call them predictions. Of course, I got the rioting part wrong but I blame that on the freaking weather! Oh well.
Now, onto my prediction for the day, I am predicting a greater than a magnitude 5 quake in Pacific Northwest in the next month. The USGS has issued a warning of a possible quake along the Vancouver fault. So, I took this info, combined it with some weather patterns change, and made a guess. I give myself a one in three chance of making an accurate prediction.
My other prediction is an abrupt down turn in the worsening relations with Iran. I have been scanning some of the non-American news websites gathering data and most of the world is expecting us to invade regardless of what CNN, Fox, and MSNBC are reporting. Several Middle East analysts have warned of a destabilization of the region if the US invades and they are probably right---we’ll see soon enough.
I actually support war with Iran and opposed (and still oppose) war with Iraq. Sounds contradictory but is not when you look at from this angle. Iran is the lone Middle East heavy, Saddam knew it, the Saudis knew it, and the US damn well should have known it. Of course, it is really too late to make this move but Bush is a linear thinker, his mind is made up, the war is ago and the man would ignore Jesus if he floated out of the sky and told him ‘NO’!
So, how can the layperson, the lay psychic if you will, tell that war is eminent? Watch CNN and Fox. When an invasion or US military action is eminent, CNN muzzles its reporters while Fox acts as a mouthpiece, a mammoth propaganda machine. Think I am crazy? Go back and review the weeks leading to the recent Israeli conflict. The BBC, Al Jeezera, and Reuters reported a brewing conflict between Israel and Lebanon but CNN and Fox were strangely mute on the subject. Then when war broke out CNN and Fox acted surprised as if no one saw it coming. Oh horseshit!
Therefore, for this week I ask you to keep an eye on NY Times, the BBC, and Global and see what you garner from their reporting then come back and tell me what you think.