Saturday, February 17, 2007

Attention Whore Britney Spears Shaves Head!

It seems Britney has decided to chop off her dishwater blond, white trash mop in favor of the GI Jane look. Did anyone tell her that Sinead O’Connor already tried this one---and that she looked a damn sight better with her head shaved?
See, this is the price of celebrity. You get so bored that you have to do more and more insane things in order to garner the attention of the press because at the end of the day that is all you really have is the attention of the press.
I predict her next album will be some deep introspective bunch of BS that is a rip off of Alanis Morissette’s journey from teeny bopper to real singer, which was a rip off of Madonna who ripped off someone to old for me to remember. Can anyone be original anymore?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Media Hides Fact Utah Shooter Muslims To Push Own Agenda!

Five people lose their lives in a Utah shooting and the media glances over the subject. Their main emphasis in the entire story---guns are evil! Sorry, but I don’t subscribe to the whiny ‘anti-gun’ lobby. Do some math, there are 60 million legal gun owners in the US, and this does not account for those that possess firearms illegally such as convicted felons yet handguns account for less than 2000 deaths annually.
However, there are roughly 400,000 physicians in the US yet there are 700,000 deaths annually from physician mistakes, not taking into account screw-ups by nurses, pharmacists, or paramedics. So, should we make doctors illegal? Of course not.
Nevertheless, this illustrates my point you cannot impugn all gun owners for the mistakes of negligent and criminal people. An unarmed society will no longer be a free society!
But, enough about that! The real issue here is the media’s lack of coverage of the fact that the young man who was the shooter was in fact a Muslim! He was from Bosnia and had lived through the war in Yugoslovia. There is evidence that he was also leaning toward a radical Muslim ideology in recent years.
Why does the media not report this? Simple enough, they do not want to offend the Muslim community. Well, sorry, I could care less. This was a hate crime! Moreover, had the young men been a white boy from Texas with a confederate flag t-shirt the media would be calling foul! So, how do we solve this problem?
The solution is to keep our eye on the media and tell them we have heard enough about Anna Nicole lets here some real news! Report the facts, not your flipping agenda. Of course, I’m probably fighting a losing battle people are celebrity mongering sensationalists and nothing else. Keep your eye on the “My Baby’s Mom Gate” and watch your freedom slip from your hand!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Dirty Dozen: Optimize Your Blog Traffic!

1. Put up some blog entry with inane tags such as ‘how to increase you blog traffic!’ or ‘ten ways to a better love life!’
2. Start yet another blog about SEO! Yes, we need another blog like this like we need more lawyers!
3. Right brainless articles about being a millionaire visa via your blog!
4. Pray to the Google god and don’t get angry when the adsense demons accuse you of cheating them!
5. Stay on the Internet night and day. I mean start to wear depends so you do not need to get up for the ‘turlet’.
6. Buy expensive, useless software that will do nothing but throw out a bunch of overused keywords to direct people to your site.
7. Go on to other peoples blogs and post comments making sure to leave your blog address at the bottom of each post like some desperate guy at a pick up bar that jots his phone number on every cocktail napkin he touches.
8. Harass and threaten friends and neighbors, threatening to call or drop by unexpectedly if they do not visit your blog.
9. Hack into Google, Yahoo, and MSN and make your blog appear number one on every search all the time!
10. Use Ping-O-Matic every five minutes!
11. E-mail news outlets and see if you can dupe them into giving out your blog address on their program.
12. One word….”SPAM!”

Are You Psychic? Take My Quiz!

Please answer the following questions to determine if you are psychic:

Do you hear or see things other people do not?

Do you feel that your thoughts are racing?

Do you often feel as though you are different and people just don’t get you or they are trying to persecute you?

Do you believe you have some sort of special power that separates you from everyone else?

Have you:

Ever spoken with Elvis?

Been abducted by a UFO?

Seen Bigfoot?

Spoken to fairies, elves, or trolls?

Believe you are a Jedi?

If you answered yes to any of the first four, well, listen up! I took those from diagnostic criteria from a psychiatric manual so you should seek help from a mental health professional! If you answered yes to the bottom five, you are a loony or you need to move out of your mom’s basement and get a girlfriend. Newsflash!------Star Trek is a TV show!

Media Quiz! How sharp are you?

Questions 1-5:

Is the US at war with Iran or Iraq?

Who is the Secretary of Defense for the US?

Is Condoleezza Rice a spicy Mexican dish or Secretary of State?

How long has it been since the US hanged Osama Bin Laden in Iraq?

Is a bunker buster a type of bomb or a two fat people having sex on the top of a bunk bed?

Questions 6-10:

Name two of the three idiots claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby’s daddy?

Who is the moron that was married to Britney Spears?

Name two celebs that have been photographed without panties.

What did Brad and Angelina name their baby?

Who is Jennifer Aniston dating?

Complete the quiz. Then check your answers below.

Questions 1-5:


Robert Gates

Secretary of State for George W. Bush

We did not hang Bin Laden. The Iraqis hanged Hussein.

It is a bomb, although this is a trick question since both answers are correct.

Questions 6-10:

Baron Von Creepy, some photographer with bad hair, and the lawyer with the same name as a famous DJ!

Getfed, Inbred, something like that, who cares?

Skinny and trashy, scrawny and trashy, and just plain trashy. (aka Paris, Lindsey, and Britney)

Rhymes with Silo

Don’t know but he is a lucky man!

Now, for your score.

Questions 1-5

Number correct:

1-you have glanced at the cover of a ‘real’ newspaper!

2-you’ve surfed onto the NY Times thinking it was a porn site.

3-Okay, so you read the back page of CNN’s website.

4-You actually are concerned but you are easily distracted.

5- Either you cheated or NPR is your favorite radio station!

Questions 6-10:

If you got any of these right, either you are 12 or you need to get a life!

Anna Nicole Idiocy Draws Attention From Real World!

Once upon a time, I believed the mainstream media was a poor judge of what people wanted to know. I actually believed there were people concerned about America and the road we are on. However, with the death of marginal celeb Anna Nicole Smith, I now realize most Americans, and most people in general, are troglodytes. For those of you with the lexicon of a two year old that means cave-dweller.
I watch CNN and Fox periodically throughout the day, though I no longer monitor their websites because it is just a regurgitation of the same tripe. Now, I surf non-traditional sources of news, and compare it against CNN, Fox, and MSNBC and try to discern the facts that lie somewhere in the middle.
In the last few days though, I have come to realize, it is not the media’s fault people are ignorant of current political, economic, and military issues. It is the fault of every nitwit that blunderbusses over the web looking for the latest gossip on Anna Nicole’s death or Lindsey Lohan’s battle with what the hell ever.
It disappoints me that the primary motivation of most people is not to be informed about what is going on in the world, what forces are shaping their destinies, but instead it is to stay informed about big boobs McGee’s last moments on Earth.
Here, I’ll sum it up for you! She was a drug addict and alcoholic, she apparently screwed anything that moved, and she died! Film at eleven!!! Case closed.
Therefore, as our blundering president stumbles toward yet another military misadventure, don’t worry, just keep your eyes on what Brad and Angelina are doing, everything else will work itself out.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

'Milder' Iran Will Not Stop Invasion...

The Iranian Prime Minister said in a Good Morning America interview this week that, “The situation in Iraq should resolved with dialog not conflict,” he also went on to deny the charges against Iran stating they had not been supplying weapons to the Iraqi insurgency.
While the question of whether not the Iranian government is supplying the insurgency remains to be seen, it is obvious that the US is bolstering its case for war with the recent release of intelligence implicating Iran as the chief weapons pimp to the Shiite insurgents.
Oddly enough, this new intelligence came just days before the US decided to close the borders to Syria and Iran in order to secure Baghdad. This simple ruse places US forces within striking distance of Iran. Invasion is likely only weeks if not days away. How so you ask.
By placing US troops on the borders, the White House can create an artificial flash point. Here is our Gulf of Tonkin situation unfolding right before our eyes.
This is the likely scenario, a patrol of US and Iraqi forces along the border will encounter an insurgency from Iran and respond. Our forces will likely be massacred and in turn, Joe and Jenny America screams ‘blood!’ From there, an escalation of words will ensue and the President will ask for the use of force. The congress, fearing they will be seen as weak, will authorize the use of force, and the Bush White House will seize the moment and launch a large scale bombing campaign.
Paranoid? Perhaps. Psychic? No! A possibility. Well, I hope I am wrong. Regardless of what Tehran does or says now, the ball is rolling and we will invade.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dixie Chicks Sweep Awards!....Duh!

As I ‘predicted’ days before the Grammys the ‘Dixie Chicks’ swept the awards! This was a no brainer! First, the entertainment industry is one big liberal mouthpiece. Second, the victory of the ‘Dixie Chicks’ clearly reflects the mood of the country which is total distrust of the Bush White House.

War with Iran:Skyrocketing Oil Prices!

It appears war with Iran is inevitable. To proud dictators, neither one willing to budge, added to the mix the largest oil reserves in the world, jihadist insanity, and a US president with a low approval rating, and you have the mixture for a catastrophic war.
Although, our main concern should be the massive fatalities incurred by the coming conflict with Iran, another concern rears its ugly head, the specter of a sudden sharp rise in gases prices. Imagine oil prices at 75, 80, a 100 dollars per barrel. Gas at the pump at record highs, 6-10 dollars a gallon. The American economy would be crippled, overnight the most basic services would be reduced, and only essential travel would be affordable.
The price of food would skyrocket and city dwellers accustom to their instant gratification lifestyle, would find themselves unable to cope. Large-scale rioting and antigovernment sentiment would be the rule not the exception and no amount of law enforcement or martial law could keep the public from acting out aggressively, violently against their perceived enemies.
I foresee a drastic rise in oil prices if Bush goes forward with his narcissistic plans to control the Middle East. And what the problems that will follow will make 9/11, the Great Depression, and Pearl Harbor seem tame. Me, I am moving back to the country, returning to a simpler way of life, and staying the hell out of the way.
Stay tuned untrue believers!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Clinton Will Pull Ahead Of Obama!

As we careen toward the 2008 presidential elections, I see Hilary Clinton pulling ahead of media darling Barack Obama. Why? Because, she has a great deal more financial resources for starters but she is also a far better potential leader. She is shrewd, and while I do not agree with her left leaning politics, she is still a far better choice than a man most Americans know little about.
What people should be asking themselves is, who is Obama? We only know his canned biography and in a politically correct subculture that is the media, no one is asking how a man with a Muslim family tree is poised to take over the highest office in our land. We’ve had 6 years of religious fanaticism already visa via Dubyah, and frankly I for one am ready for a secularist to be in charge for a while.