Thursday, February 22, 2007

Clinton and Obama To Fight Cage Match!

Barack, I want you to hit me as hard as you can..."

Hillary and Barack are in a tiff this week over the ‘Tinsel Town Tussle’ and this has many pundits asking can either of these politicos make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. (Not that we need to worry since Dub’ will likely declare himself supreme dictator and disband the congress.) Yet no one in the media has asked the real pressing question---do we need ‘em? Do we need Giuliani, Romney, Brownbeck , or McCain?
If you exam this like a rational person and not some indoctrinated political pundit beholden to your party’s dogma the answer is obvious--- no. No, we do not need four years of another corrupt scumbag elitist with a corporate agenda. However, we do not need Unsafe at any speed Nader either; it just rhymes too much with Vader.
Therefore, I predict we will have four more years of shit no matter whom we elect and we deserve it. We are apathetic, even those of us that waste the timing voting. We know they will screw us but we campaign for them, elect them, and exalt them anyway.
So what is a person to do? Just bury your head in the sand and when November ’08 passes pull your head out and look at the face of your new leader---whoever it might be. Then bitch and complain like always then go back to your cubicle and play Warcraft and pretend to be working.

Jackie Hartman's Body May Have Been Found...

Must break Ms. Dubois pea picker that good old fashion hard police work led to the discovery of what is likely Jackie Hartman's body and not the ethereal nonsense.
May you rest and peace, Ms. Hartman. To the family of Ms. Hartman you have my deepest sympathies.

Judge Larry Seidlin Will Get His Own Show!

Judge Larry Seidlin, where do I start with this schmuck? He is rude, vapid, ignorant, and is frankly, a slouch. I thought Lance Ito from the OJ trial was a moron but this guy takes it to new heights. He yaks about his personal problems, makes snide comments, and in my humble opinion, is on a power trip that shows some serious shortcomings that seem to plague all of the US judiciary.
They somehow see themselves as God, exalted above all others, casting their stones from the mole hill of piety we all call the ‘bench’. And who suffers because of it? Well, the accused and the victims of crime, of course. With people like Seidlin on the bench who needs criminals?
Therefore, rubbing my crystal balls and staring into the ether of cynicism I see---I see---Judge Larry with one of those idiotic ‘Judge Judy” shows that the unemployed degenerates wait to see every afternoon. Stay tuned skeptics and satirist this is gonna be a bumpy ride!

Hello Ms. Dubois....

I have taken down the uncopyrighted pictures of Ms. Dubois at the bequest of no one but after seeing recurring traffic from Phoenix, it is a safe bet Ms. Dubois is likely surfing the blogs looking for skeptics to attack much in the same way she has James Randi.
Is the problem that skeptics bring attention to her absurd claims or is it that you are not making enough cash from your seminars and books and the royalty checks from NBC and you are looking for someone to sue?
Well, know this if you come after me, Ms. Dubois, you will only serve to popularize my site, and thereby my message that you and your ilk are full of crap and should be held civilly and criminally liable for your claims.
If all I am is ‘unintelligent’ and ‘irritating’ as you have called James Randi then you should be able to continue hocking your psyche nonsense with no problems. However, if I have struck a raw nerve then perhaps we should talk in an open forum where the public can decide who is worth listening to.
By all means feel free to email me.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Obama---Is This Really What We Need?

I am not against a black president. In fact, I think Colin Powell would have been an outstanding candidate had Dub’ not hamstringed him by offering him up on the altar for the WMD scandal. However, is this the right time for president Obama?
The answer is a resounding NO! This is a terrible time for Obama to win the presidency. First off, whether 9/11 was an inside job, the act of Al Qaida, or a way to clear out parking space for Manhattan, we are still at war with radical Islam and Obama, whether he wants to admit it or not is only a generation or so away from that very ideology.
Regardless of how quickly the corporate whores in the media are to retract their statements about Obama’s ties to Islam the fact remains his grandfather was educated in a madrassa ( a school that teaches Whabbism, a radical Islamic doctrine) and he spent two years studying in a Muslim school as a child.
Whether or not it was a madrassa is irrelevant, do we really want a man with such ties to Islam at the helm of our country? Especially, when we have handed so much power over to the Oval Office in the last six years?
The answer should be obvious and if it is not then you are both blind and stupid.

Check Out More Obama Truth!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anna Nicole----Will Rise From The Dead!

The war in Iraq is failing. The US may go to war with Iran. A Muslim went into a Utah mall and shot people at random. Global Warming. Crime. Child Abuse. But, what is news?
The tribulations of marginal celeb Anna Nicole. This has passed sickening and gone to revolting. I predict this will be the sensational spotlight of the moment that finally tips the ‘average’ American opinion of the media to outright hostility.
Anna Nicole is not 24 hour newsworthy-----end of story.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Real Life Allison Dubois's Dubious Deductions!

There is little doubt I am a skeptic of psychics. I have demonstrated several times that simple observation is all these ‘gifted’ people have. Now, I am not ready to completely denounce all paranormal phenomenon, I am not the pessimistic little troll that is the editor of Skeptic magazine. No, I believe there are phenomenon that cannot be dismissed with the wave of the magic wand of scientific reasoning.
Yet, here we go again with another celebrity psychic making predictions about the kidnapping and possible homicide of a child! This time the warped psycho is none other than the real life version of that trite NBC drama medium, Allison Dubois.
The case involves 19-year-old Jackie Hartman a college student from Arizona. Ms. Dubois if you please went on Oprah (which should be called Doprah since everyone seems to be so damn addict to this mind numbing claptrap) and stated that she saw the young girl choked to unconscious and killed. She also stated the body would be found, blah, blah, and blah. More vagaries and horseshit!
Of course, the body will be found! They have a suspect in custody, the victim’s boyfriend, so it stands to reason the crime was likely a sudden impulse not a well thought act and he likely hastily disposed of the corpse. Duh! If they don’t find the body I have a prediction! All of the law enforcement involved with the case will be FIRED!
In addition, here is another, duh! Allison Dubois is just doing this for ratings because the crappy show based on her real life exploits (exploitations) is faltering under the weight of bad plot lines and pitiful acting.
The thing that burns my ass the worst about this is the fact the talk show hounds still give these idiots like Dubois, Sylvia Browne, and John Edwards air time and lend credence to their hogwash.
So Oprah, do us favor and stick to banal celebrity interviews and reviews of dull books that no one wants to read and leave the true crime to John Walsh.
(Excuse my abuse of passive voice on this one but I am a little emotional about this one! This is the very thing that burns me the most about psychics. Plus, I haven’t had any coffee!)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oscar Prediction!

The Oscars are somewhat overrated. Moreover, they are used as a political platform for high ended, pie in the sky speeches about all sorts of current events and most of the time I could care less. However, this year I am rooting for one category and one actor in particular.
This year I predict, Forest Whitaker will win for best actor! Why? Because he is an underrated and unappreciated perform. This is predominately because he is not the traditional ‘hunky’ leading man. I have liked Mr. Whitaker since ‘Fast Times At Ridgemount High’. I also like him because he is a fellow Clydesdale runner as is often featured in his films (ie Blown Away).
I have seen his performance in the ‘Last King of Scotland’ and to be frank it is one of the best I have ever seen. He is compelling, convincing, and leaves you feeling slightly empathetic for the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
This is my one and only Oscar prediction unless I decide to spoof DeCaprio, who is the single most overrated actor in the history of film. I hope Mr. Whitaker wins, good luck, Forest!