Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Obama---Is This Really What We Need?

I am not against a black president. In fact, I think Colin Powell would have been an outstanding candidate had Dub’ not hamstringed him by offering him up on the altar for the WMD scandal. However, is this the right time for president Obama?
The answer is a resounding NO! This is a terrible time for Obama to win the presidency. First off, whether 9/11 was an inside job, the act of Al Qaida, or a way to clear out parking space for Manhattan, we are still at war with radical Islam and Obama, whether he wants to admit it or not is only a generation or so away from that very ideology.
Regardless of how quickly the corporate whores in the media are to retract their statements about Obama’s ties to Islam the fact remains his grandfather was educated in a madrassa ( a school that teaches Whabbism, a radical Islamic doctrine) and he spent two years studying in a Muslim school as a child.
Whether or not it was a madrassa is irrelevant, do we really want a man with such ties to Islam at the helm of our country? Especially, when we have handed so much power over to the Oval Office in the last six years?
The answer should be obvious and if it is not then you are both blind and stupid.

Check Out More Obama Truth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually he IS Muslim, although he is denying it now. If that was his ONLY lie I would not be concerned. However, his entire campaign has been one lie after another, and was bolstered by biased media supporting any absurdity out of his mouth, while twisting the truth about anyone who opposed him. The truth will eventually come out, but the at what cost. And btw, please don't try to make the truth a "race" issue. I'm black, but I still would not support someone just because he is black.. especially if he is a LIAR like Obama.
Just watch. He is alrady trying to downplay everything he said in the electoral race,.. because he can't and won't deliver.