Thursday, February 22, 2007

Judge Larry Seidlin Will Get His Own Show!

Judge Larry Seidlin, where do I start with this schmuck? He is rude, vapid, ignorant, and is frankly, a slouch. I thought Lance Ito from the OJ trial was a moron but this guy takes it to new heights. He yaks about his personal problems, makes snide comments, and in my humble opinion, is on a power trip that shows some serious shortcomings that seem to plague all of the US judiciary.
They somehow see themselves as God, exalted above all others, casting their stones from the mole hill of piety we all call the ‘bench’. And who suffers because of it? Well, the accused and the victims of crime, of course. With people like Seidlin on the bench who needs criminals?
Therefore, rubbing my crystal balls and staring into the ether of cynicism I see---I see---Judge Larry with one of those idiotic ‘Judge Judy” shows that the unemployed degenerates wait to see every afternoon. Stay tuned skeptics and satirist this is gonna be a bumpy ride!


Anonymous said...

i couldnt agree with your comments. i CANNOT stand this judge, the voice of his tone just irks me!!

Jack said...

I hear ya! I wonder where this idiot went to law school. Why is there not better oversight for the judiciary?