Saturday, January 13, 2007

Celebrity Deaths! 2007

Celebrity Death Predictions!
Every year millionaire psychics predict the deaths of celebrities usually with vagaries and often times with no names at all. This is one of the oldest parlor tricks in the book. Sylvia Brown, and others of her ilk, have been doing this for decades and duping hundreds of thousands of believers with her imaginative predictive formulations. And, even though they are NOT mystical they are well thought out.
Anyone can make these predictions! Really, you don’t need to be psychic you just need IMDB. Allow me to demonstrate. Now, some of you will call this a dead pool, but it is not. No, this is the power of cynicism.
My list for possible dead celebrities for the 2007:
James Arness
Mickey Rooney
Andy Griffith
Jerry Lewis
And, so I am not picking just on the elderly: Lindsay Lohan and/or Paris Hilton.
Will all of these people die? Will any of these people die? Perhaps. But, if this came from the mouths of one of the talk show psychics you can bet a lot of people would buy it: hook, line, and Ouija board.

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